Tantra shares the locations of these doorways, and how to enter in. But it will never push you. It’s an invitation. You need to make the decision to move into this rich wisdom. Tantra is not pushy, it’s more accepting of where you are. There is no goal to reach. Mastery is not a thing to seek. Dropping the need to seek anything brings you home. Tantra welcomes you home or into the journey.
Sexual mastery is more about unlearning and remembering. This is overlooked often in favor of the need to do things. I get it. Doing something feels productive and valuable. Tantra gently reminds us to drop the teachings and reveal the true you. Then, mastery emerges.
So, sexual “doing”, as fun is it seems, is a temporary experience. Sexual “being” opens the experience to grow and expand. Sex is a place to find your spiritual knowing. It’s an active, connected meditation. It’s can bring you to your center, and open your soul to take in the drippings of the universe. This is Tantra’s invitation.