Here is the meditation, as found in the first chapter of my book

Pathways to Love: 28 Days to Self Love

by Shawn Roop

“The secret of health for both mind and body is not to mourn for the past, worry about the future, or anticipate troubles, but to live in the present moment wisely and earnestly.”


There are ancient teachings supporting the idea that there are cords that connect people together. Through these cords, things like emotions, projections, fantasies, needs and wants are shared. It’s a process that energetically links us together. This is a chance to clear your cords and free yourself from that which might be holding you back. Many times the reason why we might get stuck in patterns is based on this very idea of cords and how we link with our relationships, thoughts and attachments. Here is your chance to cut your cords and liberate yourself.

This is an active meditation. Get comfortable and relax.  See your heart open up and feel warm honey-like energy start to rise up from your open heart. Let that energy fill your head as it starts to pour out the top of your head. Let that warm, honey like energy pour down your body, on the outside, creating a 2nd layer of skin. Just let the warm, thick, honey-like energy coat your entire body from the top of your head to the souls of your feet.

Let this heart energy cut any cords to past relationships. Let your heart’s energy smooth out your body. Be slow and enjoy this cocoon of heart energy for 6-8 minutes. Feel your breath. Focus on your senses. You are releasing years of the past right now.

Then relax, take a deep breath in, closing the top of your head where this heart-river is flowing from. As you exhale, feel the 2nd layer of fluid skin drop into the earth.

Relax and enjoy a calm feeling for 2 to 4 more minutes.

Each time you cut your cords in this way, you release patterns and renew relationships by creating new energy exchange and letting go of old associations. You also cut free of any people, ideas or things that are no longer needed in your life, thus reclaiming your energy and vision.

It’s OK to cut all your cords. Some of you might be very sensitive and attached to your connections. You will reconnect with the cords you need after the meditation. The awareness is to feel and notice the cords that don’t serve your need to reconnect. Now use discernment to evaluate your connections. Maybe you didn’t know some of the people whose energy is funky and no longer serving you, and how they corded into you. It’s OK. Make a new choice. Support yourself and see patterns shift.

1 Comment. Leave new

  • Sean, this meditation has helped me in the past and I feel like I need to do it again. Is there better or worse times to do it? Mornings vs evenings, full moon vs new moon, when you’re in the grips of sadness about the relationship vs a period of indifference, etc?

    Thank you


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